Rex Gorell Škoda Finance Solutions
At Rex Gorell Škoda we not only have the best range of new and quality used vehicles but we can also help with all your finance needs.
Our Finance Services Include:
- Consumer Loan product - is a convenient and flexible way for you to obtain finance for the New or Used car of your choice. The vehicle is used as security for the loan, however you have ownership from the beginning of the contract. Upon the final payment you get clear title to the vehicle. A Consumer Loan is regulated under the terms of the Consumer Credit Code.
- Corporate Hire Purchase - With a Hire Purchase agreement payments can be tailored to meet business cash flow. You also have the option of purchasing the vehicle at any time during the life of the contract. This type of financing is traditionally for the business user and can be approved in the name of an individual or company.
- Chattel Mortgage - a new, smarter approach to vehicle financing. A solution that offers you the immediate use of a vehicle for your business and depending on level of Business Usage, a full GST refund on your next BAS.
- Finance Lease - Leasing is a rental agreement between you and the financier where the rentals can be tailored to meet your individual needs. The residual value is set according to Australian tax life and depreciation guidelines. At the end of the lease agreement, you may, subject to our approval offer to purchase the vehicle for the residual amount. Finance Lease is for the business user.
- Operating Lease - most suitable product for your business if you need to turnover your fleet on a more regular basis.
- Novated Lease - a three-way agreement between the financier, you and your employer.
Our Business Manager has a great knowledge of all the above products and is always available to attend to your business and personal finance needs.
Rex Gorell Skoda
Rex Gorell Skoda - Sales
481 Latrobe Terrace,GeelongVIC3220
Phone: (03) 5227 4755
Trading Hours
Monday8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday8:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday8:30am - 5:00pm